Who We Are?

What's Special about Indie Founders

IndieBusinesses.com is dedicated to showcasing companies that have achieved success without relying on substantial investments from Venture Capitalists or major investors. These businesses exemplify the art of building profitability without fixating on misleading metrics or unnecessary embellishments. 

The founders behind these indie ventures don’t necessarily possess MBA backgrounds or boast any exclusive entrepreneur gene; rather, they’ve translated simple ideas into profitable enterprises with straightforward business models.

Within this platform, you’ll not only discover their products but also delve into the unique narratives of their indie journeys. 

Learn how these entrepreneurs navigated and triumphed over the challenges of the Indie Business, including struggles, the allure of financial comfort (“Gold Handcuffs”), imposter syndrome, and emotional stress post-sale of their companies. 

IndieBusinesses.com is your gateway to understanding the essence of their entrepreneurial spirit and the strategies they employed to transform basic concepts into thriving, sustainable enterprises.”

Ideas, Concepts, Strategies, Hacks, Tips, Methods, Techniques shared by Indie founders are suitable only for 99% of the people who care about sensible risk taking – Known Downside and Unknown Upside

Unwritten Indie Wisdom (There are so many but here's a few)

  1. “There is no one way to succeed in business; it’s about determining whether it aligns with the lifestyle you aspire to have.”

  2. “Failing fast isn’t the sole option; you can also opt for a slower path to success.”

  3. “Always maintain a financial backup, as indie businesses take time to thrive.”

  4. “Do not consider quitting your job until you’re making at least 3 times your current salary.”

  5. “Always seek help from those who have been through this before; it makes your journey less challenging.”

  6. “Consider yourself a marketer, even if you identify as a developer or founder. Without marketing, nothing moves. Remember, marketing starts from the beginning, not just at the end.”

  7. “Avoid spending time on endeavors with a low chance of success.”

  8. When everything is new baby Steps are necessary.

“I only learned from success. The only thing I learned from failure is that I failed. Success exposed a tiny window into what works. I could then iterate from there.” – Daniel Vassallo. 

How To Take Risk as Indie Founder

Here’s the Counter-Intuitive Heuristic from Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

If given the opportunity to choose between the two, always go for the first one.

😡Known Downside & Unknown Upside 

😻Known Upside & Unknown Downside